What is Cosplay? In short, Cosplay involves either purchased or homemade costumes created to represent certain characters who, in this case, are based on PC video games.
This video competition will be judged on two key elements. First, by the most creative costume of a recognizable PC video gaming character, and second, by the funniest or most obscure situation in the film itself. We want see you out in public mixing with the everyday joe, taking what is normally seen on screen into the public domain; pranks welcome.*
COSTUMES: Can be bought, rented, etc but the more home crafted DIY, funniest elements the better.
PUBLIC SCENE: Think of the most off the wall, surreal environment to be dressed up in, hilarious encounters.
*Have fun but don't get yourself hurt, beat up or jailed over it. This competition is strictly non-YOLO.

1st. Parrot BeBop Drone Limited Edition T-shirt |
2nd. GTX 980Ti HOF Limited Edition T-shirt |
3rd. GTX 960 EXOC White Limited Edition T-shirt |