Pushing the limits is the Hall of Fame series’ reason for being—fueling the passion for World record breaking overclocks and peerless in-game performance. This passion is rivaled only by KFA2’s dedication to engineering the most capable, powerful and uncompromised hardware for the task, and the results have earned HOF series graphics cards a reputation as the best since their global debut in 2013.

Working in-conjunction with Diamond Cooling based in Europe, specialists in all things custom and cool, KFA2 has developed a water cooling solution designed to fully unleash the raw potential of the GTX 980 and 970 HOF graphics cards with the unprecedented cooling capacity needed for extreme overclocks.

Diamond Cooling Ltd was officially started in 2014 by two case modders with a passion for water cooling and pushing the boundaries of custom case design. The biggest hurdle in individualization was the lack of a custom water cooling solution to suit the special needs of mod makers and their unique projects. The team first came together as a partnership to build custom hardware for their own projects, but it wasn’t long before they began making their services available to other enthusiasts with the similar specialized needs. Thus, Diamond Cooling was founded and the possibilities of custom build to order hardware were opened up to the modding community as a whole.

The design philosophy for the new Hall of Fame waterblock is based on five pillars of performance cooler engineering: Full PCB coverage, active cooling for all key components, no top cover plates hiding parts of the block, a clean yet strong design and zero compromise in cooling efficiency and coolant flow. Only the best materials make the cut for the waterblock’s construction, ensuring superior quality in every piece. All hardware is made in the United Kingdom.

To achieve the most effective cooling possible, both blocks designs use an arrangement of microfins above the GPU itself for optimal heat transfer. Both video memory and VRMs are actively cooled with direct water block contact and close proximity to coolant flow. The design of the water channel is fully bidirectional with equal flow in any configuration, rendering the choice of input/output connections irrelevant to performance and making it ideal for complex multi-card SLI setups. Universal ¼ inch fittings were used for the coolant ports, making it compatible with essentially any watercooling system.

The waterblock is available in two styles: A white acetal top and a PETG acrylic transparent top. The white acetyl top covers the PCB and all its components end-to-end with an opaque white finish, while the transparent PETG acrylic top gives a crystal clear view of the PCB. The PETG acrylic solution extends the full length of the card as well, but with the added advantage of making the entire water channel visible for extra effect. Both style are built around a nickel plated full copper waterblock.

Key Features:

  • Fits both KFA2 GTX 970 and GTX 980 Hall Of Fame graphics cards
  • Custom engineered design to maximize coolant flow and heat transfer
  • Pure copper blocks
  • Nickel plating
  • PETG acrylic / white acetal top
  • Full PCB coverage including power connectors
  • Coolant channel specially built for optimal flow with bidirectional hookups

  • The custom GeForce GTX 980/970 HOF water cooled editions are available in limited quantity by special order. Click here for more information.
